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Cookies & Privacy Policy
This website Allied industrial Dynamics Corp. uses cookies the collect information on how this website is navigated and used. For more information into what a cookie is, please visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie. The information that is collected by Allied Industrial Dynamics Corp. is used through google analytics. Some of the information collected is Geographic, pages visited, and time spent on those pages, how the visitor navigated their way to the site. This allows Allied Industrial Dynamics to see what products and services are being viewed, how people navigate their way through the site, and what locations in the world are visiting the site. Giving us the ability to improve the users experience while visiting the website. We do NOT collect information such as email, name, age, gender, race, phone numbers, etc. When a site visitor decides to contact Allied Industrial Dynamics, they will be requested to provide contact information through an email and phone number if they desire so that Allied Industrial Dynamics Corp. can provide response to their inquiries. No information collected is shared or sold to any outside marketing agencies or third-party vendors. All information is kept confidential within Allied Industrial Dynamics Corp. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy please feel free to contact Allied Industrial Dynamics Corp.